When you choose to employ someone, there are a whole host of things to take into consideration. One of the most important elements to action is the contract of employment, which is a legally binding document outlining the basis of the employment relationship.
Different Types of Employment Contracts
Not every person you employ will be a full-time employee and it may be that you have part-time staff, fixed term or temporary workers. Ensuring you have a correctly drafted contract of employment is important for anyone you have a working relationship with
Full-time Employee Contracts
A full-time employee contract will detail salary / hourly pay plus holiday entitlement, sick pay, benefits and pensions.
Part Time Employee Contracts
A part time employee contract will usually detail the same elements as a full-time employee but on a pro-rata basis.
Freelancers / Contractors Contracts
A freelancer / contractor contract is different and they vary in each case. They will generally include start and end dates of the employment plus rate of pay.
Temporary Worker Contracts
A temporary worker contract offers more flexibility to an employer than a fixed term contract and is usually opted for when an employer is looking to take someone on without a specific employment end date. The nature of temporary contracts means there is more flexibility for workers to undertake a second job or studies at the same time.
Fixed Term Contracts
A fixed term contract is used when someone is employed for a limited time. This could be based on a number of months or when a project is finished. A fixed term worker will have holiday entitlement and benefits specific to their individual agreement.
Do you need help with your employment contracts? Talk to us at Truth Legal – we have a leading employment team that can work with you every step of the way in drafting and preparing your contracts of employment.
For £280 (incl.vat) we can offer 2 hours initial advice on business employment contracts. This can be over the phone, on Skype or in person at our head office in Harrogate.