CICA Criminal Injuries Claim
TIME LIMIT: 2 Years*
We can help you to claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA)
Our dedicated page on CICA Criminal Injury Claims can tell you more.
Civil Claim Against a Third Party
TIME LIMIT: 3 Years*
Some third parties can owe you a duty of care in certain situations.
The most common example is your employer. If you have been assaulted at work you may have a claim against them.
Civil Claim Against Your Attacker
TIME LIMIT: 3 Years*
If the identity of your attacker is known, and they have the funds or assets to cover your compensation and legal costs, you may be able to claim against them directly.
* These are the normal time limits for making a criminal injury compensation claim, starting from the date of your injury. They can sometimes change. If you are unsure, contact us to discuss your circumstances.