See what makes us different to other law firms…
When Truth Legal started, it did so with the aims of being ethical, tenacious and affordable to all. This approach stemmed from the fact that Andrew Gray is a Quaker. He is the only Quaker in the firm. Quakers were and are, famed for only speaking the truth. They have historically fought unpopular causes and therefore Andrew wanted his law firm to take on cases for those who may feel that they have neither anywhere else to turn, nor the financial means with which to do so, anyway.
Access to justice for all
As a result, Andrew and the Truth Legal team have taken on numerous cases, often using No Win, No Fee Agreements and have won many, where the odds seemed to be stacked against their client. They have also provided many hours of free legal advice along the way, with the result being that they have won some very important claims.
Welfare of staff of paramount importance at Truth Legal
By looking after all those who have come to the firm as clients, and by running Truth Legal as an efficient business, the firm has grown and become highly profitable too.
Looking after people doesn’t just mean that the firm takes good care of its clients. It is important to Andrew and the rest of the management team, that every member of staff at Truth Legal is taken good care of – whether that entails making sure that their working environment is comfortable and a pleasant place to work, ensuring that they receive proper training, that they have all the resources that they need to be the best at what they do or that their wellbeing is properly catered for.
What are the opportunities for career progression at Truth Legal?
This one is easy to answer. Georgina Parkin joined Truth Legal as a Trainee Solicitor in 2013. From day one, she showed a great attitude to her work and demonstrated that she had ability, a willingness to soak up every bit of training that she was given, was fantastic with clients and was a team player. Coffee making was a bit dodgy, but ‘hey ho.’ Georgina qualified in 2015. She continued to thrive. Georgina became a director of the firm in 2016. Then, in 2019, she was made Managing director of Truth Legal. Quod Erat Demonstrandum or QED for short!
Financial transparency
All members of staff receive regular updates on where the firm is financially, how many cases have been taken on and concluded, how many new enquiries the firm is receiving, how much each lawyer is bringing into the firm and how much of a profit the firm is making. This isn’t done to ‘point fingers’ at individuals but to be totally transparent to all involved in the firm and to demonstrate how much of an important role, everyone at truth Legal, plays in the continuing success of Truth Legal.
Consultant Solicitors
One of the many factors that favourably distinguishes Truth Legal from other solicitors’ firms is that we offer solicitors the opportunity to work flexibly. Working from a home office doesn’t suit everyone. It requires discipline and the ability to balance work, home and leisure time, down to a tee.
However, there is something to be said for being able to work without having to commute and if the lifestyle balance can be achieved, for some with family commitments in particular, it can be the perfect work solution.
At Truth Legal we offer those solicitors who have some years’ experience under their belts, and particularly if they have a following of clients (though not exclusively), the opportunity to work with us as consultants. This is on a fee share basis. We are aware that there are a number of solicitors practices whose solicitors only work on the basis of fee share agreements. At Truth Legal we offer, to the right lawyers, a more attractive fee share split, than most other firms that we are aware of.
You will work under the Truth Legal banner and have access to all of our operating systems and everything that you need to be able to get underway on the first day that you join us. You’ll have all the assistance that you might require from the staff at our Harrogate base. Importantly you will have the support of all our experienced lawyers, whenever you need it. Working alone, can be a lonely existence. However, by working with Truth Legal, you’ll be able to pick up the phone anytime to discuss a case, ask for a bit of advice or, if you just want to someone to brighten up a dreary Monday morning, perhaps!
Andrew Gray would be very interested in having a formal introductory chat with any ambitious solicitors, particularly those who have niche expertise and who may be interested in exploring the opportunity of working under the Truth Legal umbrella, on this basis.
Set up your own law practice?
For many solicitors, their dream is to set up and run their own practice. We say for most. That’s because it isn’t for everyone. Some lawyers like to go into work knowing that their caseload will be provided for them. They are happy to work hard to get good results for their clients, hit their fee income targets and take home a salary. There’s nothing wrong with that at all.
However, there those solicitors who relish the idea of having their own firm. Whether it be a bit of pride, the thought of being able to drive their own destiny, the prospect of not having anyone to answer to anyone (except their clients, don’t forget them) or because they believe that they could build something that is a great business providing a super service – or more likely it’ll be a mixture of all of these things. It is the dream of a large number of lawyers.
Then the fear factor creeps in, the ‘I’d like to but’ syndrome, as in, I’d like to but:
- Could I run my own business?
- What about the COFA, COLP bit?
- Where will all the clients come from – will I be able to get any clients?
- I haven’t got enough capital/funding behind me to start my own business?
- I couldn’t afford to go months without fee income.
- Am I good enough to do this?
- I’d do it if I could do it jointly with someone, but who?
Well this is where Truth Legal might be able to help. We’ve done this before. Take a look at Luscombe Gray Solicitors website. Chris Luscombe and Andrew Gray worked together back in 2008. When Chris told Andrew a few years ago, that he was interested in setting up his own firm, the seed was very quickly sown. Luscombe Gray was the outcome.
Now we are not saying that Chris had all of the fears mentioned above, or indeed any of them. However, he’d be the first to admit that having Andrew, who’d been there and done it before and had behind him all the experience of running a thriving firm, at his side made both the decision and the practicalities of starting Luscombe Gray, that much easier.
If you are an experienced solicitor who works in a niche area of the law – sports law, company, commercial, medical negligence – in fact whatever your expertise is, and you have a burning ambition of setting up your own law practice, then Truth Legal would love to speak with you.
Working at Truth Legal is for life (if you like us and we like you)
We hope that we’ve given you a flavour of what the ‘Truth Legal way’ is all about. We are a bit different, aren’t we?
As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you could become a part of the ‘Truth Legal family.’ What binds us all together, is that we are determined to provide exemplary legal services for all our clients, whatever walk of life they come from.
We believe in honing our skills and challenging ourselves constantly.
We believe that we are one of the nicest firms around in terms of the fantastic client care that we offer and the way that each member of our team, wherever and under whatever format we’ve described here, will always be there for each other.
Our working conditions are some of the most congenial that you could find in any firm of solicitors anywhere in the country.
Our wellness is of vital importance to our directors.
We have some great company ‘get togethers’ and the Christmas Party is always at one of Harrogate’s finest restaurants!
However, what we are all agreed on, is that our reputation is based on being superb lawyers who’ll work tirelessly to get great results for our clients.
That is a given. We won’t any of us, accept anything less.
Do you buy into that ethos too? Do you think that you have what it takes to become part of our team?